Stop Pushout theft at
Store Entrances
& Non-purchase lanes with our world class Visual AI

"Pushouts cost us more than €1million every year."

- French supermarket chain

Pushouts happen when thieves deliberately push a shopping cart full of items out of the store entrance or non-payment lane, avoiding payment at checkout.

  • Store Entrances
    Closed Checkouts

  • Non-Purchase Lanes
  • Emergency Exits and other Unauthorised Exits

The Value of Push-Out Theft

  • Push-Out event shopping cart contents are typically valued between €500 to €1.500, each time
  • Loss prevention experts in food retail estimate that over 30% of this type of theft goes undetected by store and security staff
  • Some retailers estimate their Push-Out theft losses to be in excess of €1 million a year
Push-Out Check

Looking where you Cannot see

Visual AI Solutions for Retail

Walk-Throughs at Self-Checkout

The increased use of Self-Checkout terminals has amplified the Push-Out challenge to include Walk-Throughs. Walk-Throughs refer to visitors who take baskets, boxes, bags, and increasingly, shopping carts filled with goods, through the Self-Checkout zone without paying. Self-Checkout zones are known to have low staffing levels and little or no security or surveillance making them easier target zones for this type of theft.

How does Push-Out Check® Prevent this Theft?

Push-Out Check® automates the visual monitoring process at every exit, freeing staff for more productive activity.
  • Push-Out Check® uses Visual AI Video Analytics to remotely and permanently control any store entry or exit points
  • Staff receive automatic real time notifications of suspicious visitor movements, with or without shopping carts, baskets, boxes or bags
  • Push-Out Check® can also be used to detect Walk-Throughs in the Self-Checkout zone when visitors walk past the checkouts without paying

How are Staff Alerted?

  • Fixed audible and visible real time alarms are customised to client needs
  • Instant incident alerts can be sent to store or security staff via any networked fixed or mobile device
  • All events are recorded for reporting, prosecution, training and comparative analysis

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